*** Click HERE to report volunteer hours ***
Our Big Heart Community Service Program recognizes students’ for their contributions to the community through service.
Students who complete and report 100+ volunteer hours by May 1 of their senior year will receive an honor cord to wear at graduation and have their name recognized in the graduation program.

What are Community Service hours? 

Community Service Hours are the time you spend volunteering to help others in your community—whether it's an individual, an organization, or a cause. You do not receive pay or other compensation. It's about giving back to your community and making a positive impact!

Students can begin reporting hours volunteered after 8th grade promotion. To be eligible for graduation recognition, Seniors must have all hours logged by May 1 of their senior year.

How to participate?


  1. Register to receive a login.
    • Students, click here to register.
    • Enter a non-school email to receive a link for profile creation and hour submissions. 
  2. Submit volunteer hours online
    • Include hours, dates, organization name, and supervisor/volunteer contact info
    • Describe the event, who you helped, and your tasks. This is required information for quick approval.
  3. Check your non-school email regularly.
    • The PTSA chair will contact you if there are any questions or clarifications needed. If a response is not received by the deadline, hours will not be approved.
  4. Submit your hours by May 1 of senior year.
    • 100+ approved hours required for an honor cord and graduation recognition.


Looking for volunteer ideas? Visit the IHS College and Career Center Volunteer page for a list of opportunities.

Questions? Email issyhighcommunityservice@gmail.com


Frequently Asked Questions

What COUNTS as Community Service?

  • Volunteering outside of school hours, without pay or compensation.
  • Hours volunteered after 8th grade promotion (including the summer between 8th and 9th grade) throughout high school.
  • Hands-on or ACTIVE participation that directly benefits others.


What DOESN'T count as Community Service?

  • Class Credit Hours: Volunteering done for class credit (like for Health, Sports Medicine, or Music) doesn’t count.
  • Internships or Shadowing: These are valuable experiences, but they aren’t considered volunteer hours.
  • Preparation, Meetings, or Planning: Time spent preparing for, attending meetings, or planning (including rehearsals) doesn’t count. Travel & sleep time are also excluded.
  • Traffic Court Hours: Hours assigned as part of Traffic Court do not count as community service.

Is Community Service required for graduation?
No, participation is voluntary.

How many hours are needed for recognition at graduation?
100 hours must be reported and approved by deadline, using the online reporting system. 

What is the deadline?
Students must submit all hours by May 1 of their senior year. Students are encouraged to log their hours as they complete them.

Why should I volunteer?

  • Give back to the community
  • Show colleges your commitment to making a difference with a strong volunteer service record and recognition
  • Build valuable contacts for future job or internship opportunities
  • Meet certain scholarship requirements
  • Learn or enhance skills in your area of interest
  • Explore different career fields